Curriculum Integration

Ultra Education’s Outcomes that also deliver the 2019 National Curriculum

Local authority primary and secondary schools, as well as most academies that choose to follow the National Curriculum, have a new set of outcomes to achieve. 

The new regime for schools is set out in the Education Inspection Framework (EIF), which has come into effect last month, i.e. September 2019.

Ofsted, which is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, ie the body that judges schools and informs their funding levels, has a new ‘judgement’ number 3, called Personal Development. This recognises that exam results are too narrow a measure of a good school, and that good outcomes are measured by how successfully pupils are developed as well-rounded citizens.

The Opportunity for Schools

For schools this is a real opportunity because the purpose of the new framework is to tackle social justice issues – ensuring that all pupils, regardless of their starting points, backgrounds and individual needs, have an equal chance to succeed. Schools are now actively looking for ways to meet this Ofsted judgement on behalf of their pupils.

The Personal Development judgement category (3) expects schools to be providing interventions that promote:

  • character development 
  • resilience
  • confidence
  • independence
  • learners’ discovery of their interests and talent
  • preparation for life in the here and now
  • equality and diversity

The Core Outcomes of Ultra Education, as agreed by existing participants and delivery staff (see Core Outcomes table) meet these new outcomes that Ofsted is looking for and that schools will be judged on providing.

Curriculum-based Outcomes that link directly with teaching in schools are presented here below.

Entrepreneurship education is an effective vehicle for the development of character, resilience, confidence etc, which have application in the lives of every young person. Development of enterprises is definitely a desired and likely consequence of entrepreneurship education beyond school.


Immediate Outcomes: (assessed on completion of session or series of sessions)

Additional Core Outcomes for Target Group (pre-NEET and NEET young people)