Ultra Education are delighted to support the next generation of black female tech entrepreneurs! Team Ultra have enrolled several of our young entrepreneurs into CodeYourWhy’s 8 week scratch course.
Coding Black Females have partnered with CodeYourWhy to deliver this course for young entrepreneurial girls. CodeYourWhy is a non-profit organisation offering women and minorities courses to help them develop technical and computer skills.
The tech industry is currently one of the largest industries with a significant diversity gap. Women and minorities are underrepresented, and we believe this stigma needs to change. More large corporations are now actively promoting more women in executive roles and this has inspired many young girls to fulfil their dreams of working in the tech industry.
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can be creative. The best thing about this course is that it offers young girls the opportunity to create their very own interactive stories, games, and animations.
The course is aimed at 10-14 year olds who are passionate about programming and games and would like to hone their technical skills.
The workshop is divided into 8 weeks, covering various elements supporting individuals in gaining social and technical skills to take on the tech industry.
Within the first few weeks, attendees will have the opportunity to get to know one another and familiarise themselves with other students; sharing their motives and inspiration for enrolling onto the course.
In the next two to three weeks, participants will be expected to create an interactive collage with images and blocks representing themselves and participate in fun activities like dancing and socialising.
In the last few weeks of the course, young techies will dive into game development, demonstrating skills in creating a maze and collision games.
The programmes activities will come to an end with coders presenting their demos they have been working on since the start of the course and showcasing their new skills!
Team Ultra are excited to see the outcome and fantastic creations our young entrepreneurs attending the CodeYourWhy workshops are able to come up with. We will be sure share an update once the programme is completed!
Ultra & Out 😉